Quinoa (C.quinoa) is an emerging and innovatory crop in Pakistan. It can become an important agricultural crop which provide number of nutrients and other food products for the consumption of human being. First time quinoa was introduced in our local conditions by the USDA in 2008.
Nutritional Value
Quinoa (C.quinoa) plant are very nutritious. Its nutritional profile coocked quinoa contains about water 71% and 13% 21.3% carbohydrates. High amount of protein also presents which is about 4.4%, which is higher in quality and quantity than any other kind of cereal. Fat content about 1.92% also present in the quinoa plant. It contains significant amount of soluble fiber which act as detoxifying agent and helps to eliminates the wastes from the body. It also has number of amino acid like lysine and Sulphur and it also have omega (3,6 and 9) in right optimum quantity. In addition, fruit of quinoa plant also contain Ca, Mg, P, K, Mn and vitamin A and E in compatible amount to the requirement of human being. Below table contains the all information regarding nutrients present in the quinoa.
Nutrition facts of 100g of Quinoa cooked plant
Carbohydrates are present 21% which is comparable with other major cereals like barley and rice. Out of this total content of carbohydrates 83% carbohydrates are present in starch form. And rest percentage consist on fiber and small portion of sugar such as ribose, galactose and maltose. Cooked quinoa plant is excellent source of fiber 2.8%, beating the both rice and maize which have fiber content 1.8 and 2.4 percent respectively. 10% fiber is present on dry weight bases in cooked quinoa and large quantity 80-90% of this fiber is present in insoluble fibers form. Cooked quinoa contain 2% protein which is mainly composed of linoleic acid, palmitic acid and oleic acid.
Health Benefits
Because quinoa plant is extremely rich in minerals other plant compounds, it makes the quinoa an important plant for human diet. By addition of quinoa in diet we can overcome the problem of low blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides level. It also helps to reduce the body weight because quinoa has high protein and fiber content and has relatively low value of glycemic index.
Quinoa (C.quinoa) crop plant seed has miscellaneous health benefits. Its grains are grounded and used as a flour. Its grain also used to make biscuits, sauces, pasta, bread, juices and cakes. In the western countries it is also as popped just like popcorn. Quinoa plant have saponins which is used for making pesticides, detergents, shampoo, toothpaste and beer. It is also used as a salad. It is also used for substitute wheat and rice in local sweet dishes like halwa and kheer.
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